Helps Ministries
FACILITY CARE MAINTENANCE MINISTRY - Responsible for the maintenance of all FCCF buildings and property
TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY - Responsible for providing transportation for members and visitors when needed.
TELEVISION MINISTRY - Responsible for all television production including: directing, graphics, audio, camera operations, stage--managing, cable pulling, video control, videotape operation and duplication.
FULL COUNSEL RESOURCE CENTER - Helping to promote the gospel through the selling, duplicating and stocking of books, tapes, CDs, DVDs and other promotional items to help increase the faith of the Believer.
LIGHTING MINISTRY - Responsible for all lighting during the worship services, special events and stage lighting. AUDIO
VISUAL - Promotes the gospel by creating and preparing slide presentations by using Powerpoint and MediaShout presentation programs for sermons and special events. Responsible for playing all DVD and Video presentations used during the worship service.
- Classes which are designed to train specific auxiliaries to help carry out the daily operations of the ministry.
- Responsible for keeping order and assisting during services and special events at FC.
- Greets, directs, escorts, and provides information to the members and guests of each worship service and at other special events.
- Designed to orientate new members to the vision
- Directs traffic flow during Fc worship services and special events.
- Provides security for the FC body during worship services, special events and on the FCCF properties.
MUSICIANS - Accompany the Praise and Worship team, Sanctuary Choir, and Soloist.
PRAISE & WORSHIP TEAMS - Working unified in the Spirit with a purpose to glorify God, ministering music of hope and agape love.
SANCTUARY CHOIR - Singing high praises to God helping to lead others into His divine presence through thanksgiving, praise and worship.
- Skilled and anointed individuals minister periodically during worship services and special activities at FC.
- Dedicated to evangelizing the lost and edifying the Body of Christ through skits, dramatic productions, and videos.
Audio Technical Support:
SOUND - Responsible for all audio recording and audio equipment. Produce all master recording for worship services and special events.
- Coordinates and provides refreshments for FC functions.
PRISON MINISTRY - Ministers to the needs of the incarcerated, ex-offenders, and provides support to their families.
EVANGELISM - Outreach to the lost in surrounding communities, ministering of the gospel, and provide information to non-FCCF members.
BUS - An outreach evangelism tool by which is used to transport children and youth from surrounding communities to the various services and activities of the ministry.
HOSPITAL - Taking the ministry of healing, hope and good health to the sick and shut-in and those hospitalized. Sharing a caring message of compassion through prayer and intercession.
PRAYER MINISTRY - Responsible for training Believers in the fundamentals of prayer and praying the Word of God, intercedes daily for the Body of Christ, the lost, the Senior Pastors and their families, Full Counsel and leadership, the ministry auxiliaries and educational systems, etc.
PUBLICATIONS - Responsible for the creation all the printed media for FC to include brochures, flyers, book and tape covers, and special projects.